Dutch-Venezuela War

Dutch-Venezuela War
Date 26 November 1908 - 23 December 1908 [1]
Location Venezuela
Result Dutch victory
Venezuela Netherlands

In 1908 a dispute broke out between the Netherlands and Cipriano Castro's Venezuela on the grounds of the harbouring of refugees in Curaçao. Venezuela expelled the Dutch ambassador, prompting a Dutch dispatch of three warships - a battleship, the Jacob van Heemskerk, and two cruisers, the Gelderland and the Friesland. On December 12, the Gelderland captured the Venezuelan coast guardship Alix off Puerto Cabello.[2] With their overwhelming naval superiority, the Dutch enforced a blockade on Venezuela's ports. A few days later, General Castro left for Berlin, nominally for a surgical operation. In his absence, an uprising in Caracas overthrew his regime. This effectively ended the war with the Netherlands.
